

Sara Russell

I am a revolutionary witch, well-versed in the cycles of failure and rebirth, dreaming in a realm beyond notions of right and wrong, committed to breaking the barriers we hold between ourselves and the sacred.

I’m not a therapist. We’ll go beyond conventional conversations and interpretations. I’m going to challenge you, and offer you radical perspectives and unconventional solutions, on your journey to designing your life according to your dreams. 

I’m not going to treat you like an isolated individual solely responsible for both the creation of and solution to your problems. Instead, I’m going to validate you and your perspective. I will help you uncover what it is that you want, and what obstacles you have faced in getting what you need.

I start with the assumption that you are good-hearted and well-intentioned, and that you are responding to real challenges in your life while longing for something more.  

I will give you actionable tools. I’ll offer you support for claiming your power, and help you strategize, build skills, and cultivate community. We will co-create a contract for how to create change. 

If you’ve struggled with the heart-break of wanting to change but not being able to sustain your good intentions through action, I can help. 

I want you to be your best, brightest, shiniest self. 

It will take time. And effort. It will require breaking down old beliefs and choosing a different path than the one you already know. 

I promise to do it with love. I will hold you in your highest light, and show you your goodness, your power, and your inherent belonging. 

I made the journey from self-loathing to self-love. I can show you the way. 

Your life won’t be the same. 

What is Skills for Change?


Skills For Change is a practice that gives people back their hope and teaches them how to live from choice instead of fear and habit. 

People are doing the best they can with the tools and resources available to them.  Unfortunately, culture and oppression often undermine and confuse our efforts to live our best lives. 

Using Skills For Change, we can analyze behaviors, relationships, systems, and transactions to see where old habits are no longer serving us. 

Through practice and repetition we create sustainable embodied change.

We can cultivate awareness of where we have

power, how to use it, and how to create spaciousness to accept where we are powerless.

We need to bring compassion to all of the above work, because to do this work requires takes time, energy, and self-love to create change. Change is hard, and being in a body is hard, and we don’t have to do it alone. 


As a dancer for the past 15 years, I’ve learned how to take up space with a fully-expressed human heart.

As a Qi Gong instructor for 8 years, I’ve learned how to be both the leaf that flows down the river and the boulder that splits the stream.


Let’s Talk

The first consultation is free.